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Membership in the APA and the Massachusetts Psychiatric Society (MPS) continues to be an essential and invaluable tool of your professional life. As you know, MPS provides exceptional assistance to nearly 1,600 psychiatric physicians in the Commonwealth by providing leadership in advocating for our patients and our profession, and in organizing and delivering the educational services and programs you really need. You’ve already invested greatly in your career. Take the next step and join today, go to the American Psychiatric Association Application Page and select the appropriate application form.
Contact – APA Membership Coordinator Sheneka Wilkins Phone # (202) 559-3066 with your questions about membership with APA/MPS.
Contact Mayuri Patel with your questions about membership with MPS.
Who Are We?
The Massachusetts Psychiatric Society (MPS) represents the majority of Psychiatrists in Massachusetts. MPS members are Physicians who are committed to providing outstanding medical/psychiatric care through accurate diagnosis and comprehensive treatment of mental health and emotional illnesses. We seek to achieve this goal by promoting public and professional education, legislation that addresses the needs and rights of the mentally and emotionally ill, and by advocating for the allocation of public and private resources for treatment, research, and education. We provide a supportive and informative professional community for our members.
The Massachusetts Psychiatric Society (MPS) is a District Branch of the American Psychiatric Association (APA).
New! MPS is pleased to offer a mentorship match service to all members! Click here to learn more.
Browse the MPS Newsletter Online!
As example of this Member Only benefit, please view a recent issue here.
MPS Online CME Library
We have 36 Online CME courses in our digital library.
Visit our Online CME Library today!
